Attribo Cloud Insights

Monday, September 12, 2011

is accountability a key to better cloud visibility

have been lately coming across plenty of prospects who complain about visibility & cloud accountability. To greater extent its true as your scaling out needs grow & there has to be a scale out accountability & reasoning as to why , when , by whom, & for how long have to be monitored on a regular basis.

so here we go again & love the fact that we are on right side of the chart but hey feel free to ping me on vinod at attribo dot com , would be glad to discuss as to what aspect of cloud is bothering your business needs. Is it manageability, billing, budgeting, automation, reporting, integration, acl/roles, image certification , backups, security or failover

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Reduce 'Ex' off your cloud CAPEx & OPEx

Food for thought. 'Ex' is really becoming an area of discussions lately. Given we all are possibly heading towards a milder market it makes sense to be geared up to analyze our spend patterns on cloud.

Brainstorming on various aspects , especially :

1. Budgeting & Quota
2. Actionable Analysis
3. Finer Access control
4. Time bound life cycle control of virtual resources
5. Co-relate vendor billing to activities on your vendor account

Cloud Cost Optimization, a real deal?

Cloud Cost Optimization is gaining momentum & excited to mention Attribo Cost Control Center in this context. Cloud is moving beyond manageability & on-demand usage pattern. Its more serious now in terms of businesses running entirely on Amazon & other vendors.

This is adding a pressing need for a Cost Analysis tool to bubble up the unknowns & help project costs involved with selecting a public IaaS like Amazon.

Plenty more to be announced here.

Cloud Cost an issues for all?

"But the published pricing model didn't make many waves because few bothered to do the math."

It has been 3-4 yrs since we all have started deploying & using IaaS stack to suffice different business use cases that we have. Though cloud has been a proponent for on-demand virtual resource utilization it is becoming apparent that it adds up to a huge cost once your deployments become serious & more dedicated.

Came across this article which bubbles up the same with GAE though same pattern is becoming obvious with other vendors like Amazon/Rackspace & more.

Good news, Attribo is spearheading in this direction & soon will announce GA for Attribo Cost Control Center for one to have a much clear & more actionable cost control strategy.